Now That Groundshaker Is Nerfed on Garrosh Is It Time to Look at Body Check Again?

This article is about Garrosh's come across in the Siege of Orgrimmar. For lore and background information, see Garrosh Hellscream.
Boss Garrosh Hellscream
Image of Garrosh Hellscream
Title <Warchief>
Gender Male person
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Siege of Orgrimmar
Status Defeatable
Siege of Orgrimmar

The Fallen Protectors
Sha of Pride
Fe Juggernaut
Kor'kron Dark Shaman
General Nazgrim
Spoils of Pandaria
Thok the Bloodthirsty
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Paragons of the Klaxxi
Garrosh Hellscream



Garrosh Hellscream is the terminal boss run into of Siege of Orgrimmar. Garrosh, now wielding Xal'atoh, will incapacitate Thrall before turning his attention to the players and fight with the powers of the Heart of Y'Shaarj. This is the terminal major battle in Mists of Pandaria.


  • 1 Background
    • Chance Guide
    • ane.ii Encounter Design
  • 2 Overview
    • 2.1 Damage Dealers
    • two.2 Healers
    • two.three Tanks
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Stage 1: The Truthful Horde
    • 3.two Intermission: Realm of Y'Shaarj
    • 3.three Stage 2: Abuse of Y'shaarj
    • iii.4 Stage Three: MY World
  • 4 Strategy
    • 4.ane Phase One: The Truthful Horde
    • iv.2 Pause: Realm of Y'shaarj
    • 4.3 Stage Two: Corruption of Y'shaarj
    • 4.4 Stage Three: MY WORLD
    • 4.5 Stage Four: Mythic Only
  • 5 Loot
  • 6 Related Achievements
    • Before the cinematic
    • seven.2 Cinematic (beginning)
      • 7.two.i Alliance side
      • seven.ii.2 Horde side
      • 7.2.three Cinematic (finish)
    • vii.three Leader dialogue
      • 7.iii.1 Alliance
      • 7.iii.2 Horde
      • 7.3.3 Neutral
  • eight Trivia
  • 9 Videos
    • ix.1 10-human being Heroic
    • ix.ii 25-man Normal
    • 9.three 25-homo Heroic
  • ten Patch changes
  • 11 References
  • 12 External links


Principal article: Garrosh Hellscream

Take a chance Guide

Garrosh, son of Grommash Hellscream, outset learned of his father'southward heroism when Thrall encountered the young orc in Outland. The seeds of pride were planted. Garrosh spearheaded Horde victories in Northrend and, every bit Warchief, consolidated Horde power amidst the chaos of the Cataclysm. Only his visions of orc supremacy past any ways have brought the armies of the world crashing downwardly upon Orgrimmar . . . a final reckoning that Garrosh himself awaits with brutal relish.

Encounter Blueprint

Even though you fight him in his throne room beneath the city of Orgrimmar, far away from the verdant shores of Pandaria, Garrosh is nevertheless the ultimate villain of the Pandaria expansion, and we felt that information technology was important to forge a strong connection to the Pandaria story arc within the encounter itself. As Garrosh wields the ability of Y'Shaarj—origin of all the sha—players must battle through some of the most memorable locations where the sha manifested in Pandaria. At the end, when his dorsum is upwardly confronting a wall and he is cornered in his own lair, Garrosh ends up facing the aforementioned sort of option that in one case doomed his begetter. [1]


Garrosh calls in Kor'kron soldiers, while Siege Engineers try to activate Iron Stars that crush players and orcs in their path. When Garrosh reaches 10% health, he draws upon the Center to heal himself. Garrosh periodically pulls all players into the Realm of Y'Shaarj, where they must interrupt his efforts to describe power from the Heart. When reaching 10% health a second time, Garrosh fully drains the heart, empowering all his abilities until his defeat.

Dps icon.png Harm Dealers

  • During the initial phase, interrupt Far Seers' casts and kill at least one Siege Engineer per moving ridge.
  • In the realm of Y'Shaarj, defeat all Sha manifestations to prevent Garrosh from gaining free energy.
  • Harm afflicted players to break the Touch of Y'Shaarj, and interrupt them to forestall the affliction from spreading.
  • One time Garrosh reaches 25 free energy, Empowered Whirling Abuse spawns Minions of Y'Shaarj that gain slap-up power if killed near each other.

Healer icon.png Healers

  • During the initial stage, Exploding Iron Stars deal heavy raidwide damage that decreases with altitude from the touch point.
  • Once Garrosh's shield in the Realm of Y'Shaarj is broken, his Annihilate will deal heavy raidwide damage.
  • Whirling Abuse deals heavy raidwide damage that decreases the farther a target is from Garrosh.

Tank icon.png Tanks

  • During the initial phase, Garrosh will use Hellscream'due south Warsong to significantly increase the harm output of his Kor'kron minions.
  • Subsequently leaving the Realm of Y'Shaarj, Garrosh's attacks will inflict Gripping Despair, which increases in damage with each application.
  • Once Empowered, Whirling Corruption spawns Minions of Y'Shaarj that gain great ability if killed about each other.


Stage Ane: The True Horde

Garrosh, wielding his new weapon with his Truthful Horde and siege machines at his disposal will destroy whatsoever intruders. The True Horde join the battle more than ofttimes as the fight progresses. This stage will continue until Garrosh reaches 10% wellness remaining.

  • Garrosh Hellscream  — Warchief of the True Horde.
  • Kor'kron Warbringer  — Grunts stream in from the sides of the room and join the boxing more oftentimes every bit the phase progresses.
  • Farseer Wolf Rider  — The Farseers will bring together the battle less frequently than the grunts, they too join the battle more oftentimes as the phase progresses.
  • Siege Engineer  — The Siege Engineers enter from the side balcony and begin to Ability the Fe Star which will go active after 15 sec if the Siege Engineer is not killed.
  • Kor'kron Fe Star  — After becoming activated by the Siege Engineers the Iron Star volition ringlet across the room, slamming into the opposite wall.

Intermission: Realm of Y'Shaarj

Garrosh continues to absorb the Middle of Y'Shaarj in its realm.

Periodically the telephone call of Y'shaarj will ship Garrosh and the players into the Realm of Y'shaarj for 60 sec. Garrosh will Absorb Free energy from the Middle of Y'shaarj until players have defeated all Minions of Y'shaarj inside the realm and interrupt Garrosh.

Stage 2: Corruption of Y'shaarj

Garrosh absorbed fractional power from the Heart of Y'Shaarj.

After absorbing the Power of Y'shaarj, Garrosh will heal to full health as Y'shaarj bestows Garrosh with new powers.

  • Ability garrosh whirling corruption.pngWhirling Corruption Deadly — Garrosh begins whirling, inflicting 50,000 Shadow damage to nearby enemies every 5 sec. The impairment inflicted decreases the farther away the enemy is from Garrosh. When Garrosh reaches 25 free energy Whirling Corruption becomes Empowered.
  • Ability garrosh touch of yshaarj.pngTouch of Y'shaarj Important — Garrosh will afflict players with Affect of Y'shaarj. Touched players will effort to spread the Bear on of Y'shaarj. Bear upon of Y'shaarj is removed when the histrion is reduced to ten,000 HP. When Garrosh reaches 50 energy Touch of Y'shaarj becomes Empowered. This targets 2 players out of 10, 4 out of 25, or 3 in LFR manner.
  • Inv axe 2h orgrimmarraid d 01.pngDesecrate  — Garrosh hurls the Desecrated Weapon at a random enemy, inflicting 100,000 Shadow damage to enemies within 15 yards and creates a Desecrated Weapon at the location. When Garrosh reaches 75 energy Desecrate becomes Empowered.
    • Desecrated Weapon  — The Desecrated Weapon is seeping with Y'shaarj power, equally the health of the weapon gets lower, the radius of the Desecrated ground becomes smaller.
    • Inv axe 2h orgrimmarraid d 01.pngEmpowered Desecrate  — At 75 Energy the Garrosh creates an Empowered Desecrated Weapon which gains Ability of Y'shaarj, causing information technology to becoming indestructible and regain wellness over time.
  • Spell deathknight strangulate.pngGripping Despair Tank Alert — Gripping Despair inflicts 20,000 Shadow damage every one sec for xv sec. Stacks. When Garrosh reaches 100 free energy Gripping Despair becomes Empowered.

Phase 3: MY Globe

Garrosh the hulked abomination.

At 10% wellness Garrosh volition absorb the remaining power of Y'shaarj, gaining full free energy, empowering all of his abilities.


This final boss of Mists of Pandaria is a lengthy, three phase battle for survival with many adds. In the starting time phase, the raid will handle waves of Kor'kron soldiers and massive, deadly Iron Star constructs. At 10% health, Garrosh volition heal to full and begin absorbing abuse from the Heart of Y'shaarj; players will alternating between journeys to a dream realm to defeat sha minions and slow his corruption, and dealing with his increasing damaging, mind command, and sha-spawning abilities in the real world. Once brought low once more, Garrosh will unleash the full power of his abilities in a final burn phase. Heroic mode adds an additional phase after that.

Stage One: The True Horde

The tank who is on Garrosh should stand up on the metal plate on the "top" of the behemothic Horde crest in the centre of the room, with Garrosh between the tank and the throne. The other tank should stack the adds on Garrosh then they will exist hit past AoE attacks, cleaves, legendary cloak procs, etc. No tank swaps are required in this phase. The melee should stack on Garrosh and set on him. The raid leader should place raid markers flanking each side of the main entrance reverse the throne, one on the left, one on the right, within range of each other and Garrosh - all the ranged players should stack together on i of these markers.

When the adds appear, damage them to roughly 50% health, and so that the Iron Stars will terminate them off. Farseer Wolf Riders are high priority targets, as they will endeavour to heal Garrosh and the adds. Keep them interrupted and burn them down if an Iron Star is non handy to impale them.

Whenever the Atomic number 26 Stars starting time charging up, an assigned ranged damage dealer should run to the left and impale the Siege Engineer to prevent the star on the raid's side of the room from activating. This player must return to the raid equally rapidly as possible, and then ideally a grade with high mobility is selected for this task, and [Demonic Gateway] should exist used if a warlock is present. The other Iron Star will roll across the throne side of the room and deal massive damage to anything that it runs over. When it starts rolling, players should utilize knockbacks, such every bit a warrior's [Dragon Roar] or elemental shaman's [Thunderstorm] , to push the adds into the Iron Star's path - while making sure to get out of its path themselves.

Garrosh will periodically throw a Desecrated Weapon at one of the ranged players, creating a large void zone. Whenever this happens, the ranged grouping should move to their other marker, and destroy the Desecrated Weapon to remove the void zone. It is very important that melee players stay inside melee range of Garrosh, otherwise he may throw a Desecrated Weapon at the melee actor, which would disrupt the raid's positioning.

Once Garrosh reaches 10% health, he volition regain all his health and speak some dialogue earlier beginning the suspension. Accept advantage of this fourth dimension to take out any adds, particularly whatsoever Farseer Wolf Riders, since any adds remaining will still exist present afterwards the intermission ends.

Many raids may detect that their fights final long plenty that a bloodlust effect can be used at the start of this phase, or when the beginning wave of adds arrives, and be usable over again in stage iii. This depends on the raid'south impairment output - a raid that volition accomplish phase 3 in under 10 minutes will desire to save it for later.

Intermission: Realm of Y'shaarj

Intermissions occur periodically during phase 2; the first one marks the transition out of phase i. Each time, the raid is sent to a random i of three "dream" locations, filled with sha mobs. Each location is organized in a roughly linear or forked layout, with Garrosh at the cease of each. Raids should kill all mobs as rapidly as possible to halt his corruption free energy gain, aiming to limit it to 24 per intermission, since he gains new powers every 25. Players should likewise run through the yellowish orbs that announced when adds die to gain damage reduction for the balance of the intermission, though not at the expense of quick progress.

The raid's groups should be assigned "left" or "correct" beforehand, since ii of the locations require splitting the raid:

  • At the Temple of the Red Crane, the stairs down split into right and left forks, each with a big add at the bottom. A tank should be sure to make the starting time set on, since it's likely to ane-shot any other histrion.
  • At the Temple of the Jade Serpent, two groups of mobs are set fairly far apart in the initial room, and then the raid should split to kill each grouping apace. The raid so reunites to kill a group in a fundamental hallway, and so splits again to impale the ii groups in the final room.
  • At the Terrace of Endless Jump, no separate is required. The tanks should pick up all adds and race to the end along with the entire raid, where the adds can be AoE'd down all at once.

Once all the adds are down, Garrosh volition get attackable and begin concatenation casting Annihilate. All players must avoid this purple cone one-shot, while healers handle the heavy AoE component of the attack and everyone else assaults Garrosh. Each suspension lasts 60 seconds full, so the sooner adds are killed, the more time is bachelor to damage the boss.

Stage Two: Abuse of Y'shaarj

Garrosh will no longer summon the Kor'kron adds or Fe Stars that he summoned in phase i. If there are whatsoever left, finish them off. Instead, he will commencement to utilize abilities he gained from Y'shaarj. Periodically, Garrosh will trigger another pause, which heals him for 10% health each time and allows him to gain more corruption. Intermissions do non provide escape from overwhelming situations in the throne room; all conditions and enemies are nonetheless nowadays upon return from each one.

Tanks must begin swapping in this phase to allow their Gripping Despair stacking DoTs to driblet off. When Garrosh uses Whirling Corruption, all healers and DPS, melee included, should stack at maximum range from the boss to reduce incoming damage and maximize AoE healing.

Garrosh will go along to throw Desecrated Weapons. The raid may choose to impale these simply as in phase 1, at the toll of damage that could be on the dominate and other threats. Alternatively, because the danger of Iron Stars no longer restricts the raid's movement, the raid may but move out of the void zone each time and let the Weapon remain, at the toll of slowly diminishing safety infinite in the room. In this case, ranged players should endeavour to remain in positions where a new zone restricts motion as little as possible, such as side by side to walls, adjacent to the last zone's location. Weapons dropped in problematic locations tin still exist destroyed if necessary.

Nearly chiefly, after Garrosh uses Bear upon of Y'Shaarj, all harm dealers must immediately identify mind controlled players and burn them downwardly to break the spell. During this time the victims will attempt to cast Impact of Y'Shaarj on new targets, and therefore must be interrupted or crowd controlled to forestall the condition from spreading exponentially. The usual heed control rules of fugitive large DoTs or delayed damage effects employ, to avoid killing allies after they are free.

Every 25 energy Garrosh gains during intermissions, an ability get empowered, adding additional mechanics. Ideally, the start intermission volition yield no empowered abilities and each subsequent one will grant him only i, allowing more than time to focus on the boss without as many distractions and hazards. The expectation is to reach phase 3 before 100 corruption.

Afterwards 25 corruption, Whirling Corruption will still require distance from the boss and close proximity to healers, but players will need to dodge purple swirls indicating missile strikes, which may brand information technology hard to remain stacked. Afterward, the resulting adds must be separated and killed individually to avoid healing and empowering next ones. Tanks should remain on Garrosh, allowing harm dealers to pull adds away from each other without threat problems.

Past 50 corruption, mind controlled players get allowed to crowd control, including stuns, simply not interrupts. Players must make sure to accept interrupts coordinated to prevent any victims from completing a cast of Touch of Y'Shaarj - a good idea even before empowerment, only now essential. At 75 energy, it will no longer be possible to completely kill Desecrated Weapons, so the raid volition need to shift to the mobile strategy described in a higher place if information technology is not already in outcome.

100 energy should non be reached much earlier than phase 3. At that point, healers must be sure to top off any tank whose Gripping Despair stacks are about to fall off, in preparation for the extra damage from Explosive Despair. Tanks may want to have defensive cooldowns ready every bit the Explosive Despair damage increases with each subsequent tank swap. This mechanic acts as a soft enrage timer, since either the DoT or the Explosive Despair will eventually one-shot the tanks.

Phase ii ends when Garrosh reaches 10% wellness.

Stage Three: MY WORLD

Garrosh volition say some more dialogue and heal 20% of his health. While he is speaking, the raid should apply a bloodlust effect, potions, and offensive cooldowns to burn Garrosh as hard as possible. After he finishes his speech, his corruption volition jump to maximum, and all his abilities will become empowered.

The abilities are the same as if Garrosh had reached 100 corruption energy during phase 2, and so the same strategies use. Only the tanking is probable to be affected past the transition, with the arrival of Explosive Despair. Depending on tanking and healing, in this phase it's also an choice for one or both tanks to choice upwards Minion of Y'Shaarj adds without killing them, taking more damage only allowing damage dealers to focus on the boss. Tanks will desire to decide ahead of time how they want to handle the adds and swap mechanics in this phase.

This phase will proceed until Garrosh is defeated, resulting in victory or, in mythic mode, stage 4.

Stage Four: Mythic Just

On mythic style, when stage three ends, Garrosh volition do some RP before teleporting the raid to the Vision of Ruined Stormwind, at which indicate he will heal to 60% health. Exist advised that the fight does non stop during the RP, and whatever lingering mechanics from stage 3 (Adds, MC's, etc.) will yet demand to be dealt with until the teleport happens.


Garrosh Hellscream
Item Type Description
[Kor'kron Juggernaut] Mount Mythic merely
[Belt of the Broken Pact] (LFR · H · M) Material wast Spirit
[Black Blood of Y'Shaarj] (LFR · H · M) Trinket Intellect DPS
[Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny] (LFR · H · Thousand) Mail service breast Agility DPS
[Chestplate of Fallen Passion] (LFR · H · One thousand) Plate breast Spirit
[String of Black Dreams] (LFR · H · Chiliad) Leather waist Agility DPS
[Cowl of Smoking Dreams] (LFR · H · Chiliad) Mail head Spirit
[Expletive of Hubris] (LFR · H · Grand) Trinket Stamina/crit
[Ebon Ritual Hood] (LFR · H · M) Fabric head Intellect DPS
[Essence of the Cursed Conqueror] (LFR · H · M) Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
[Essence of the Cursed Protector] (LFR · H · M) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
[Essence of the Cursed Vanquisher] (LFR · H · 1000) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
[Greathelm of the Warchief] (LFR · H · M) Plate caput Strength tank
[Hopeglow Spaulders] (LFR · H · M) Leather shoulder Spirit
[Horned Mace of the Old Ones] (LFR · H · M) Mace (1H) Spirit
[Kor'kron Elite Skullmask] (LFR · H · Grand) Leather helm Agility DPS
[Kor'kron Spire of Supremacy] (LFR · H · Chiliad) Staff Agility DPS
[Legplates of Unthinking Strife] (LFR · H · M) Plate legs Force DPS
[Drape of Looming Darkness] (LFR · H · Thousand) Plate shoulder Spirit
[Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj] (LFR · H · M) Mail caput Agility DPS
[Revelations of Y'Shaarj] (LFR · H · K) Held In Off-hand Intellect DPS
[Seal of Karmic Return] (LFR · H · K) Leather waist Spirit
[Shoulderguards of Intended Power] (LFR · H · 1000) Mail shoulder Agility DPS
[Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief] (LFR · H · Thou) Plate shoulder Forcefulness DPS
[Tusks of Mannoroth] (1000) Plate shoulder Strength DPS
[Xal'atoh, Desecrated Prototype of Gorehowl] (LFR · H · Thousand) Axe (2H) Strength DPS


Thrall yells: It is non likewise late Garrosh. Lay down the pall of Warchief, nosotros tin finish this hither, now, with no more bloodshed.
Garrosh Hellscream yells: Ha! Do you remember nothing of Honor? Of celebrity on the battlefield? You who would parlay with the humans, who allowed warlocks to exercise their night magics right under our feet. You are weak.
Garrosh Hellscream yells: Nosotros are the Orcish Horde, the True Horde. We die, encarmine and thrashing on the field of boxing, like true orcs SHOULD.
Garrosh Hellscream yells: You are an Orc no longer, and speak for none only yourself. You betrayed our people to forge your fragile alliances and I will take corking pleasure in tearing them apart.
Thrall yells: Then you have forced my hand. I will correct the error I made long ago! Spirits of the wind, the earth, the water, hear my call! Come to my assistance!

Thrall calls the elements to his side, just is surrounded by a dark void.

Garrosh Hellscream yells: Fool. My night shaman have twisted and tortured the elements for miles around. They cannot hear you at present. Over again you proved too weak and powerless to do annihilation.

Thrall casts thunderstorm to get out of the void.

Thrall yells: Never powerless Garrosh. And never alone.
Garrosh Hellscream yells: So, you lot wish to face off against a existent Orc Warchief. So be information technology.

Thrall charges at Garrosh, and gets cleaved into the front of the room after his attacks are repeatedly parried. Thrall falls to the floor injured as Garrosh laughs at him.

I, Garrosh, Son of Grom, will show you what it means to exist called Hellscream!
Power Atomic number 26 Star
  • Witness the ability of the true Horde'southward arsenal.
  • We volition cleanse this world in steel and fire.
Hellscream's Warsong
  • For the Truthful Horde!
  • Die with honor!
  • Blood and Thunder!
Farseer Wolf riders
Farseers, mend our wounds!
Anger. Hatred. Fear!! They are weapons of war - the tools of a Warchief!
Yes... yes. I can see information technology now...I can come across the future of this world...A world ruled by the Horde...MY Horde.
Realm of Y'shaarj
  • Garrosh Hellscream yells: The old one calls to you.
  • Garrosh Hellscream yells: The Heart will be your end!
  • Garrosh Hellscream yells: See the visions of fear, despair and doubt every bit I have.
  • Garrosh Hellscream yells: You will be trapped for eternity!
  • Heart of Y'shaarj whispers: You lot can never leave this place. There is no way dwelling.
  • Heart of Y'shaarj whispers: You will die when y'all leave this place. In that location is nix left of your earth.
  • Centre of Y'shaarj whispers: You take already lost.
  • Heart of Y'shaarj whispers: All of your friends are dead.
  • Heart of Y'shaarj whispers: No one is coming to save you.
  • Eye of Y'shaarj whispers: Your allies will leave yous backside.
  • Heart of Y'shaarj whispers: You cannot succeed. Your cause is hopeless.
  • Centre of Y'shaarj whispers: Your allies call up you are weak.
  • Center of Y'shaarj whispers: You practice not have the strength to defeat him, you are too weak to carry on.
Whirling Corruption
The ability flows through me!
Empowered Whirling Corruption
The power to trounce your earth, and everything on it!
Phase 3
The True Horde Will come to laissez passer. I take SEEN information technology. It HAS SHOWN ME. I HAVE SEEN MOUNTAINS OF SKULLS AND RIVERS OF BLOOD. AND I Volition... HAVE... MY... World!
Phase 4 (Mythic Only)
You think you have WON? You are Blind. I Volition FORCE YOUR Eyes OPEN.
Telephone call Bombardment
There IS NO Identify FOR YOU IN MY Globe.
Manifest Rage
All will fall in the name of Hellscream!
Killing a Histrion
  • Pitiful.
  • Weak.
At present you know your identify in my new world.
Defeated (Normal)
No... It cannot this...What I... What I have seen...
Defeated (Mythic)
No... NO... This world... Is my destiny... My destiny...
Unused quotes
  • My people should have taken this world long ago during the Beginning War, just they fell to corruption. In their weakness, they immune the pitiful races of Azeroth to join the Horde. I will succeed where they have failed, and no ability in this world tin can stop me!
  • Warbringers, bloody your blades. Lok'tar Ogar!

Before the cinematic

Male monarch Varian Wrynn
At last, the time for justice is at paw. This monster will answer for each and every Brotherhood life that nosotros have lost in this state of war.
Give thanks you for helping me end the dandy mistake I made long ago, that led our people into this dark identify. I could not practice information technology alone. Permit me regain my honor, and end Garrosh's reign of terror one time and for all.

Cinematic (beginning)

Garrosh lies on the basis, defeated. Thrall approaches him, a expect of disgust on his face.
Thrall: You disappoint me, Garrosh.
Garrosh tries to rise and looks up at Thrall, the [Tusks of Mannoroth] slipping from his shoulders.
Thrall: You are not worthy of your begetter's legacy.
Thrall hefts, then raises the Doomhammer with both hands to deliver the last accident, but his swing is blocked past Shalamayne.
Varian Wrynn: His punishment is not for yous alone to determine.
Thrall: I won't let you lot accept him.
Taran Zhu: We have all suffered from his atrocities.
Thrall and Varian wait over at Taran Zhu as he approaches, his abdomen wrapped in bandages, while Lorewalker Cho watches.
Taran Zhu: My people, more than than any other.
As Taran next speaks, Garrosh raises his head only plenty to look at Taran with 1 centre, then lowers it with a sag of defeat.
Taran Zhu: Let him stand trial in Pandaria.
Taran looks to Thrall, then Varian in turn equally he speaks.
Taran Zhu: There, nosotros will mete out justice for all.
Varian looks back to Thrall and nods. They lower their weapons and step back. Taran Zhu binds Garrosh's wrists in chains and leads him away.

Alliance side

Varian approaches the other Alliance leaders: Jaina Proudmoore, Anduin Wrynn, Moira Thaurissan, Gelbin Mekkatorque and Tyrande Whisperwind. Genn Greymane and Velen are absent from these events. He turns and stands again beside Jaina.
Jaina Proudmoore: Ugh... Look at them.
As she speaks, they witness Thrall looking over his shoulder and fully turning to address Vol'jin. Jaina steps over to Varian'south side.
Jaina Proudmoore: Already they plot against us. Seize this moment, Varian.
Jaina leans towards him, firmly urging him.
Jaina Proudmoore: Dismantle the Horde.
Varian thinks for a brief moment, and so the conclusion of his decision becomes articulate on his face.
Varian Wrynn: Guardsmen!
The soldiers raise their swords and shields as i. Jaina regards this with a wait of satisfaction. As the soldiers brainstorm marching forward in Varian's wake, Anduin looks on in confusion.
Anduin Wrynn: Male parent - what are y'all doing?
Varian pauses just long enough to respond over his shoulder.
Varian Wrynn: What a king must do.

Horde side

Thrall slightly walks past the leaders of the Horde as he rejoins them: Vol'jin, Baine Bloodhoof, Lor'themar Theron, Jastor Gallywix and Sylvanas Windrunner.
Vol'jin looks to his surrogate brother, addressing his back.
Vol'jin: The Horde needs its true Warchief now, more than ever.
Thrall looks dorsum over his shoulder.
Thrall: Yes, simply it was y'all that held the Horde together during this madness.
Thrall turns around fully to speak to Vol'jin.
Thrall: It was you that protected our accolade.
Thrall: From this twenty-four hour period forward, Vol'jin - If yous atomic number 82, (Kneeling) I will follow.
To Vol'jin's stunned surprise, Thrall takes to ane knee joint before him with his head bowed and the Doomhammer assail the floor at his side.
Vol'jin: I am not worthy...
Vol'jin sounds unsure, only when he looks to the others, Lor'themar and Baine bow to him. Jastor removes his hat and bows, while Sylvanas simply nods. With this prove of support, Vol'jin's acceptance grows house.
Vol'jin: But I will requite my all.
Vol'jin: (Bowing) For the Horde.
Vol'jin bows to his companions, condign the first non-orc Warchief of the Horde.

Cinematic (finish)

Varian approaches the Horde contingent; all he tin can come across at the moment are the backs of the gathered orc soldiers.
Varian Wrynn: I volition speak to your Warchief!
The orc soldiers pace bated to reveal Vol'jin in the center, with Thrall off and behind his surrogate blood brother's left shoulder. His face up is in Varian'due south management, but the forepart of his body is angled squarely, in deference, to face Vol'jin. Varian looks surprised.
Vol'jin: I speak for the Horde.
Varian'southward optics look over at Thrall's face up for a moment, who merely looks dorsum at him: silent affirmation. Varian returns his attending to Vol'jin.
Varian Wrynn: Very well.
Every bit Varian next speaks, the camera shows Anduin, with the residue of the Alliance contingent a few feet behind him. He in turn is standing a few anxiety behind his father and at an angle where he tin can run into everything.
Varian Wrynn: The Horde has committed heinous crimes, Vol'jin.
Varian glances downwards at the ground, and so thrusts Shalamayne into the wooden eye of the room'due south floor that he is standing on and approaches the new Warchief, who rises from his natural crouch then Varian tin expect him in the eye.
Varian Wrynn: Just some among you fought against Garrosh's tyranny.
Varian Wrynn: For that, I am willing to finish this mortality.
Varian Wrynn: But know this...
Varian turns and begins to walk back to his weapon.
Varian Wrynn: If your Horde fails to uphold laurels, as Garrosh did...
Varian pulls Shalamayne out of the floor and turns back to Vol'jin, his tone a fair warning.
Varian Wrynn: We will end yous.

Leader dialogue


Rex Varian Wrynn
Thanks, hero. You and your companions here were the tip of the Alliance spear: Your work exploring Pandaria, securing the Vale, and ultimately assaulting Garrosh's stronghold is what fabricated this victory possible.
Our triumph here will put a stop to the fighting in Kalimdor, simply even in peace, there's much to exist done - here, dorsum home, and elsewhere.

GossipWhat'due south next for the Alliance?

We are unified like never before. We've bought our people security in Kalimdor, an end to the blockade, and an stop to the total war that's spilt and then much blood on either side of the great bounding main.
Now, to the work of winning the peace. I would like to station a garrison about Theramore. Nosotros need to investigate cleansing the plague from Gilnean lands and so they tin rebuild. We must contain Sylvanas.
From here on forward, the Alliance will be proactive. Never again tin can there be another the likes of Hellscream.

GossipWhy not keep fighting?

I sympathize your desire to inflict more suffering on the Horde. But when do we end? How many more will number among the dead if we invaded Thunder Bluff, Azshara, and the Echo Isles? And how would we govern the conquered people?
The pandaren e'er question why we fight. Today, we've won justice, and accept given the Horde an opportunity to atone by supporting their rebellion. Farther mortality would be for vengeance alone - and information technology would reap vengeance in return.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
King Wrynn will rue the 24-hour interval he allowed the Horde to name another Warchief.
We should've kept fighting. Who's to say this new Warchief won't get any ideas in his troll head a few years from now?
Moira Thaurissan
In that location'south nix like a common enemy to bring people together. The dwarven clans take never been so united. If the peace holds, our iii kingdoms volition be stronger than always before...
Tyrande Whisperwind
Varian and I spoke at length about the price of peace before his decision here today. I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara's lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good. Knowing the way goblins chew through resources, we will see how long that volition sustain them.
I support this peace, but I exercise not share the High King's confidence. If the Horde breaks treaty to appoint us over again... my people will be prepare.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
Victory for the Alliance! Before we articulate out of here, my people volition catch as much of this crazy technology as we can go our hands on.
Dat'south de terminate of Hellscream.
<Vol'jin eyes yous warily.>
What's next, <race>?
Thrall, Trade Prince Gallywix, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, Baine Bloodhoof, Lor'themar Theron
I accept nothing to say to you, <race>.


I thought Garrosh was ready. I thought the mantle of Warchief would give him perspective. Of the many problems facing our people, he saw only one solution - his vision of the Horde brought us to the brink.
It is time for a new management. Vol'jin will take the states there. In many ways he did not want this responsibility... but I think that will make him a better leader.
Stand tall, <class>. Today ya saved de soul of de Horde.
Lor'themar Theron
I detect politics exhausting. I am confident Vol'jin will accept us where we need to get.
<Lor'themar glances over Sylvanas.>
Assuming he can hold this Horde together.
Baine Bloodhoof
We are all in this together, <form>.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
"Warchief Vol'jin." Does it sound absurd to yous, <form>? I, for one, certainly won't be taking orders from a troll.
Just, he put this little coalition together, and won the twenty-four hour period. He'due south also proven to be impossible to kill - I admire that.
Fourth dimension to test what he's made of...
Trade Prince Gallywix
Vol'jin'south one tough nut. Stabbed in the neck, still he comes back to collect what'south due. I like this guy!
My people need security and turn a profit. Under Hellscream, we got a whole lot of neither.
King Varian Wrynn
I have nothing to say to you, <race>. Your people have a lot to answer for. But perchance this is a new starting time.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Moira Thaurissan, Tyrande Whisperwind, High Tinker Mekkatorque
I have nada to say to you, <race>.


Anduin Wrynn
I think my father did the right matter. If we tried to occupy Orgrimmar, the fighting would never finish. And what about the balance of the Horde? Would we resort to internment camps? We've been downwardly that road before - it doesn't work!
We deposed of a warmonger and replaced him with a leader we can work with. It'due south our but chance for peace in the future.


  • Globe First heroic kill on 10-man accomplished on 29.9.2013 past 天 啟 (Tiānqǐ) of 格瑞姆巴托 CN.
  • Earth First heroic kill on 25-man accomplished on thirty.9.2013 by Method of Twisting Nether EU.
  • In heroic 25-player mode, the damage players are required to deal to Garrosh beyond all phases - his effective total wellness - is greater than the largest number the game can store with the 32-scrap integers information technology uses, well-nigh 2.1 billion. His multiple self-heals permit this limit to be effectively exceeded without any re-coding of the game engine. The undesirable conditions this software limitation imposes on encounter design are a significant technical reason for the stat squish taking result with the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
  • After being defeated, Garrosh'southward HP count value is really "Unconscious" instead of "Dead" like for other mobs.


  • Patch 5.4 - Garrosh Defeat: Alliance Cinematic
  • Patch v.four - Garrosh Defeat: Horde Cinematic

10-man Heroic

  • Paragon vs Garrosh Hellscream

25-man Normal

  • Garrosh Hellscream live servers 1080 - Mage, Game Sounds, Boss voices, Vent, Cinematic

25-human being Heroic

  • Garrosh Hellscream live servers 1080 - Mage, Game Sounds, Boss voices, Vent

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch six.0.three (2014-10-28): Heirlooms removed from loot table.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-16):
    • Desecrated Weapon and Empowered Desecrated Weapon now deal less damage on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulty.
    • Reduced the amount of damage needed to break Bear upon of Y'Shaarj and Empowered Touch of Y'Sharrj'southward listen control.
    • Number of players affected by Bear upon of Y'Shaarj or Empowered Bear upon of Y'Sharrj is ever 2 and no longer increases based on the Raid size on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-15): Now has 15% less health on Mythic difficulty.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-ten-14): Garrosh Hellscream's Fe Star explosion impairment has been reduced to a more reasonable level in a post stat squish environment.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.ii (2014-ten-fourteen): Chances of players receiving their first heirloom increased by 100%.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.four.8 (2014-05-xx): Increased berserk timer for Garrosh Hellscream to 25 minutes (up from 18 minutes) on Raid Finder difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2014-04-28): During the Garrosh Hellscream meet, Eternal Flame no longer generates threat during stages two and 3 to address an consequence that was making the encounter more than difficult than intended for raid groups with Protection Paladin tanks.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch five.four.7 (2014-02-eighteen): (See this blue post by Watcher for more than information regarding this change.)
    • Garrosh Hellscream and Minions of Y'Shaarj now take less health on ten-player Heroic difficulty.
    • Unstable Atomic number 26 Stars now triggered when 4 or more players are together (up from three players) on 10-player Heroic difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-11-12):
    • Players who are expressionless volition now continue to emanate the full effects of Malice for the rest of its duration.
    • Resolved an issue with brute pathing during the Realm of Y'Shaarj stage in the Temple of the Jade Ophidian.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-11-04):
    • Garrosh Hellscream now deals less damage on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Kor'kron Warbringers now have less health on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Farseer Wolf Riders now have less health and their Ancestral Concatenation Heal heals for v% of health (downwards from 10%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Minion of Y'Shaarj'southward Empowering Abuse is at present less constructive on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Empowered Touch of Y'Shaarj now increases the health of mind controlled players by 50% (down from a 100% increase) on Raid Finder difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-10-29):
    • Garrosh Hellscream, Kor'kron Warbringers, and Farseer Wolf Riders' health has been reduced by 5% on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Embodied Despair'southward health in the Realm of Y'Shaarj has been reduced on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Resolved an issue where players were able to obtain the "Strike!" accomplishment on Raid Finder difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-ten-23):
    • [Requires a realm restart.] Kor'kron Reapers now bargain less damage on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • [Requires a realm restart.] Minion of Y'Shaarj'south Empowering Corruption now heals for 15% of health (downwardly from 30%) and increases harm dealt by 20% (down from fifty%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • [Requires a realm restart.] Straw of Y'Shaarj'due south Y'Shaarj Touched at present heals for 2% of wellness per second (down from v%) and increases damage dealt by 20% (downwardly from l%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-x-22):
    • Hellscream's Warsong now grants a 75% increase to Physical damage dealt and health (down from 125%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Touch of Y'Shaarj now has a 4-second cast fourth dimension for players (upwardly from 3 seconds) on Raid Finder difficulty.
    • Reduced the health of Minions of Y'shaarj on Raid Finder difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-10-16): Garrosh Hellscream should now use his abilities more predictably when starting Stage Iii: MY Earth.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-ten-07): Garrosh Hellscream should no longer employ Malice against players who accept an Atomic number 26 Star fixated on them on Heroic difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-10-03): Garrosh Hellscream now drops two Kor'kron Juggernauts on 25-player Heroic difficulty. (Requires realm restarts to take effect.)
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-10-02):
    • Garrosh Hellscream should no longer be using Desecrate confronting players that are on a balcony.
    • Farseer Wolf Riders should no longer continuously attempt to bandage Ancestral Chain Heal if they're hitting by an Atomic number 26 Star before entering combat.
    • Kor'kron Iron Stars now properly deal damage to Kor'kron Warbringers and Farseer Wolf Riders on 25-player Heroic difficulty, and tin no longer unintentionally kill players that were non struck directly.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-24): The Y'Shaarj Touched buff can no longer exist spellstolen.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-20): Garrosh no longer has a chance to critically hit when under the effects of Leader of the Pack or other similar buffs from players that take been mind controlled by Touch of Y'Shaarj.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-18): Removing the Touch of Y'Sharrj or Empowered Touch of Y'Shaarj debuff at present likewise removes [Weakened Blows] , [Mortal Wounds] , and Master Poisoner furnishings from the player.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-17): Fixed an result where the Kor'kron Iron Star did not damage targets that were under a silence effect.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-16): Garrosh Hellscream should at present properly driblet iii Tier-16 armor tokens in 25-player mode.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-xiii): Faith, Promise, and Courage effects no longer stack with each other while in the Realm of Y'Shaarj.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-12):
    • Farseer Wolf Rider can no longer be hit multiple times by the same Iron Star.
    • Kor'kron Warbringer can no longer deal critical strikes to players.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-xi): Embodied Despair can no longer be stunned.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch v.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.


  1. ^ Patch 5.4 Raid Preview: Siege of Orgrimmar

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